“For I know that within me dwelleth no good thing.”

If you were brought up in the church, you’re familiar with the idea that you are no good. If your experience is anything  like mine, the fact that you are unholy, unworthy, unavoidably and fundamentally kind of the worst was burned into your brain from a young age. It is, arguably, the foundation for the whole belief system: the beauty of God’s perfect love and forgiveness incidental to acknowledging your awful-ness; shame as a pre-requisite for joy.

Could we…talk about that some more?

In this podcast, we’ll dive into how shame dominates so much of the experience of faith, and how it’s done some real damage to real people. We’ll talk about the concept of sin, and go in search of a meaningful definition for it. And, we’ll ask an important—maybe a little scary?—question that’s been nagging at me for awhile:

Is faith even relevant without shame?

Katie is a writer and professor based in Baltimore, MD. If you’d like to read more about why she’s taking this project on—and other things about faith and life—check out The No Good Blog.